While every attempt is made to keep this page up to date the master copy can be found here.
Welcome to the Phoenix Loot Rules! Please read over these rules carefully and make sure you raise any questions or objections you might have before raids. When disputes occur on raid nights, 99% of the time the rules as written will be followed. If these rules are updated we will make an effort to notify everybody however it is strongly encouraged that you check for updates regularly.
DKP - The Short Version
We use a static bidding system via Monolith DKP. Loot priorities are here.
DKP - What It Is
DKP stands for "Dragon Kill Points" and it is basically a currency you earn by going on raids. For every boss we kill you get some points (currently 25) and you can spend those points to get some loot. You can also earn bonus points for being on time to raids (currently 15), as well as extra points the longer a raid runs (currently 15 per hour).
DKP - Decay
A 10% DKP decay will be applied at the end of each Thursday progression raid to all that attended.
DKP - What do I need to do?
First and foremost you need to download and install the Monolith DKP addon. It doesn't need any configuration and after you join your first raid you will see a list of people and how much DKP they have. If you don't see yourself, don't worry! You'll be added in your first raid. And that's it, you're good to go.
DKP - How Much?
We will be using a static bidding system, meaning if you want an item you simply click the button to say as much. The player with the highest total DKP will be awarded the item for the appropriate DKP cost.
DKP - Can I bid on anything I want?
Mostly. As a general rule if an item benefits your class you can bid on it, however we do have bidding priority on items as well as some reserved items. All of these are detailed in a spreadsheet here which you can review at any time. If there is a need to make an exception it will be discussed among officers and a decision made however the vast majority of the time we will avoid changing any rules relating to loot once the raid has begun.
DKP - What if I don't have any points?
If you don't have any DKP to spend and an item drops that you want, you may still bid on it. If nobody with enough DKP to purchase the item bids you will be awarded the loot and go further negative.
DKP - What if I win but someone else has the same DKP as me?
If two winning players have the same amount of DKP, the raid leader will call for you to roll to win the item. The highest roll will win unless they choose to pass to the other player.
DKP - How do I bid?

As you can see it's pretty self explanatory. You can see the item, what it costs, and can choose to bid/cancel your bid/or pass. A countdown until bidding ends will show up letting you know how much time you have remaining to bid. If you opt to bid you will see a confirmation as below.

If there is a problem with your bid you may receive an error back in which case IMMEDIATELY inform the Master Looter.
If you would like to change your bid you may do so and then send a second bid - your last bid as received once the timer ends will be final unless you opt to pass on the item after winning. Bids received after the timer has expired will not be accepted.
If you close your bidding window by mistake you can reopen it by typing /dkp bid or by clicking the "bid" button next to the timer.

Finally we would just like to emphasise how important it is that you keep Monolith up to date as well as learn the basics around using it/the command features. Running raids and managing loot/DKP is a lot of work for the guild leadership and if everybody puts in just a little effort a huge load is taken off of their shoulders. Going forward, raiders who fail to bid correctly will simply lose their chance to win the item in question.
DKP - Using Monolith to Monitor DKP
Monolith tracks every aspect of DKP - to access all of this information simply type /dkp in game and you will be presented with the DKP list.

The small green circle at the bottom indicates whether or not your DKP tables are up to date. If your icon is red during the raid please let the Raid Leader know so they can push an update.
Placing your cursor on a member will give you a recent history of their DKP earned and spent. Selecting the > icon on the right hand side will expand the menu to allow a deeper dive into the DKP and loot history.

DKP - Help! Monolith is Broken!
Sometimes you're on a different PC, sometimes things just break. Don't worry! If needed you can send your bids via whisper. As you can see when an item drops, instructions are posted as a raid warning along with all relevant information for bidding.

So if your addon isn't working and you would like to bid on an item, simply wait for it to be called and then whisper the Master Looter as below.

You will receive a confirmation whisper the same as if you were to use the app. Please note bids not sent either via the addon interface or using the correct whisper format will not be accepted. This means simply whispering "hey I bid 100" will be ignored.
If you do not know your current DKP, you can check by whispering the Master Looter the following.

DKP - Master Looter Bids
Given the new static bid system it no longer matters who can see bids and the master looter will simply bid as normal and only award themselves the item should they have the highest DKP.
DKP - Prices
The base prices for all items are as below:
- Head: 180
- Neck: 300
- Shoulders: 180
- Cloak: 120
- Chest: 180
- Bracers: 100
- Belt: 100
- Hands: 100
- Legs: 180
- Boots: 180
- Rings: 300
- Trinket: 300
- One-Handed/Offhand: 400
- Two-Handed: 500
- Wands: 300
- Ranged Weapons: 400
- Nef Head: 300
However many items have had their pricing changed in order to make sure things remain fair. Please see the loot priority spreadsheet for any items that have custom pricing applied.
BoEs that drop are able to be bid on the same as other loot, they must be equipped immediately. If a BoE drops and is not needed by anybody it goes to the guild bank. If a BoE is not needed by the raiders currently present it may be reserved for a member of another raid, who will purchase the item at minimum bid with their characters DKP. Should multiple raiders from the second raid be in need of the item it will be issued to the Master Looter for that raid and they will call for bids as per the normal at the start of the raid.
BoEs that are not required by characters currently holding DKP may be purchased from the guild bank for 50% of the current AH prices (prices will be checked and set by the Officers). All sales are at the discretion of the Officers and subject to the needs of the raid. All purchased BoEs must be equipped immediately. Any member found to be taking guild items and reselling them will be removed from the guild immediately.
All patterns/recipes will be given to a nominated guild member (generally an Officer) of that profession for free with the expectation that they will make those items for guild members at no cost, with materials provided either by the guild (if available) or by the member. Subsequent patterns may be:
- Put up for rolls to be learned by raiders with 300 of the required profession (this will usually be for cheaper world drops etc).
- DKP bids opened for any with 300 of that profession.
- Given to a second guild member if the pattern is deemed important enough to have a backup.
- Sold by the guild for funds if it is of sufficient value.
This will be done on a case by case basis after discussion with the Officers.
All raid materials obtained in the raid will be sent to the guild bank. Should members require some of these materials for their character to craft certain items they may be able to be provided depending on current stock and existing plans for them. Certain items may require payment however it will be at a heavily discounted rate (generally 50% market value).
Where does my gold go?
As detailed above, items from raids and such may be made available for purchase via gold. This gold will be kept in the guild bank and used to purchase patterns/recipes/items the guild currently does not have but needs for future raids.